Aleksander Warma (Varma)

* 22.06.1890 in the Viinistu village, Kõnnu rural municipality, Harju County
† 23.12.1970 in Stockholm


Prime Minister in duties of the President


1924-1926, assistant to the jurisconsult of the Ministry of Defence, later codificator. In 1926-1927 Director of the legal bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1927-1931 later Director of the Administrative Dept. of Foreign Affairs, 1931-1933 Counsellor of the Estonian Embassy in Moscow, 1933-1938 Consul-General in Leningrad (today St. Petersburg), 1938-1939 Estonian Ambassador to Lithuania, 1939-1944 to Finland. 1953-1962 Minister of foreign Affairs and Acting Minister of Justice, 1962-1963 Deputy Prime Minister in duties of the Minister of foreign Affairs of the Estonian Exile Government.

Studied in the marine schools of Käsmu and Narva, took a deep sea captain's exam in Riga and 1920 the high school exams to the examination committee of the Tallinn Teachers' Seminar. 1920-1924 studied at the dept. of law of Tartu University, graduated with the 1st degree diploma, 1928 Master of Law.

1907-1914 (with intervals) a stoker, seaman, boatswain and mate on merchant ships. In 1914-1918 served in the Russian Navy in World War I. 1918-1919 Head of the Office of the Estonian Maritime Dept., 1919-1920 assistant to the Staff Commander of Naval Forces, later Staff Commander. 1920-1924 jurisconsult of the Staff of Naval Forces and commander of the navy ship "Mardus". In 1926 retired as Lieutenant Commander.

Was an editor of the Exile-Estonian paper "Teataja" (Gazette) in Sweden for some time.

Cross of Freedom I/3. Has published papers on the history of the War of Liberty and other memoirs.

On 25.08.2002 was reburied to the Metsakalmistu in Tallinn.